Apply now to be a reviewer.

We are looking for reviewers as part of the National Clearinghouse for Autism Evidence & Practice (NCAEP) update to the systematic review on evidence-based practices for children and youth on the autism spectrum. The last review, completed in 2011, has had a meaningful and widespread impact in the field. The technical report, which names all the reviewers and can be found here, has been downloaded thousands of times, influenced health insurance policy, spurred the development of the AFIRM modules, and has supported thousands of practitioners and parents in their understanding and use of evidence-based practices.

We would love for you to be part of the next influential report as a reviewer. We are looking for reviewers who (1) have some experience with or knowledge about autism spectrum disorders, (2) have taken a course or training related to single case design OR group design research methods, and (3) have a masters or doctoral degree OR are currently enrolled in a doctoral program. If you meet these requirements, please complete the application by clicking on this link:

Below is a summary of the reviewer activities. In total, it will be about 8 hours over the next two months (an average of just 1 hour per week!).

  • First, you will complete a brief application to ensure that you meet the reviewer qualifications (~5-10 minutes).
  • If you are an eligible reviewer, you will complete a brief online training (~45-60 min)
  • Then, you will complete the article review portion to establish reliability (~30-60 min).
  • If reliability is established, you will be assigned up to 10 articles to review for the project (~30-45 minutes per article).

Click here for a flyer that shares this information with potential reviewers. Feel free to pass it along to colleagues who may be interested in being a part of the review.